Towards Yourself
1. Have a goal or purpose in life.
2. Develop a healthy sense or personal worth.
3. Know your limitations. Discover your abilities.
4. Strive to better yourself. Don’t just be satisfied with mediocrity
5. Value criticism in as much as it helps you better yourself.
6. Do not run away from difficulties. Difficulties are meant to be overcome.
7. Failure is a stepping stone to success. Learn from your past mistakes and failures.
8. Do not be a slave to your black moods and feelings. When downcast, remember humor helps to lighten life’s burden.
9. Change what you can in yourself. Accept what you cannot change. But have the fine sense to know the difference.
10. Cultivate sound healthy habits.
11. Work hard to realize your ideals. There is no substitute for hard work. Remember humility is a sign of a truly great person.
12. Be a man of integrity. Always uphold the truth. No matter what you do, try to be original; never a slavish imitator.
13. Do not be satisfied with doing the bare minimum. Apply yourself wholeheartedly to the task at hand.
14. Have a keen sense of duty. Never avoid your responsibility.
15. Be punctual for your appointments. Honor all your commitments.
16. Do today what you can. Tomorrow never comes.
17. Pay attention to your appearance and cleanliness.
18. Let your manner of speech be gentle.
19. Life is what you make it. Strive to make something worthwhile out of your life.
20. To sum up; always remember that whatever you are, whatever you may, you carry with you, the good name of your family, the dignity of your school, and the reputation of your community and nation.
21. Be sure that you give a good account for yourself.
22. Accept defeat with a smile as you would accept victory