Towards your Companions
1. Always be polite in your dealings with your companions.
2. Be considerate of the needs of others.
3. Cherish the good names of others as you would cherish yours.
4. Be willing to see the other person’s point of view. Admit that you do not have all the answers to all the problems of the world.
5. Do not make personal fun of the personal defects of others.
6. Never laugh at the social customs, religious beliefs, and observations of others.
7. Be slow to anger and to give offense.
8. If you hurt someone, be willing to apologize for your offense.
9. Forgive others as God forgives you.
10. Express a kind word of thanks for any service rendered to you.
11. Never keep for yourself what belongs to others.
12. In short do unto others as you would expect others to do unto you.